Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Party at Pizza Hut.

On Saturday, March the 31st I celebrated my 20th birthday at pizza hut with a bunch of friends most of them Leaders from our Bendigo Mission Kids 4 Life. Everyone enjoyed themselves. We had a competition for the "Best Looking Desserts" but most of you would know that if you have read Rachel's blog. They used all different igredients and came up with some very creatives entries and Sammy won with her entry of a cat. Everyone who came enjoyed themselves and Scott ended up being our photographer and ended up taking some crazy photo's. Even the younger kids enjoyed themselves and went crazy running and pretending to be Bunny Rabbits(Travis and Luke)
We all sang happy birthday and I ended up going bringht red almost as the pink balloons. Everyone ate till they could eat no more.

Thank you to every one who came and helped me celebrate my 20th Birthday it was a very enjoyable evening.

1 comment:

Achi Myachi said...

Thanks for inviting me. It was highly enjoyable!

Yum food